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Return Policy

  • What is your return policy?

    Please click here for a detailed view of our Return Policy.
  • What do I do if I believe an item is defective? Can I obtain a refund for a defective item? What is your warranty policy?

    If a part or accessory is deemed to be defective, please contact us immediately so that we can assist you with a warranty on the item. We will work with you to have the part shipped back. Once we receive the returned item, our parts specialists will inspect and test the item for defective qualities. If the part is determined to be defective, we will file a claim with the manufacturer and ship out a replacement to the customer as soon as possible. If the item is not defective, the customer will be given the option to have the item shipped back at his/her own cost.
  • What should I do if I receive a damaged part, a part that I did not order, or missing a part?

    If your order was damaged, misdelivered, missing an item, etc., please contact us within 5 business days of receiving your order. Most cases regarding these issues will need to be submitted in the "RMA" option of our Contact Us page.
  • Can I obtain a refund for a defective part or accessory?

    If the returned part or accessory is determined to be defective by our parts department, the item is eligible for a replacement only. Items claimed under warranty are not eligible for a refund. We will re-order the item and ship it out as soon as it becomes available.
  • What if my package is lost during transit?

    If a package is lost during transit and has not been delivered, the customer must notify us within 5 business days of the scheduled delivery date. We will then contact the shipping carrier to place a tracer on the missing package(s). If the shipping carrier cannot locate the lost package(s), a claim will be filed and a replacement order will be shipped out as soon as possible.
  • Does offer store credit on returned parts or accessories?

    Unfortunately, store credit is not available at this time. All returns are processed as a refund or a replacement only.
  • Are returns subject to a restocking fee?

    A 20% restocking fee may be applicable to all returned parts. Depending on the circumstances, our RMA agents will determine special exceptions on a case by case basis. The restocking fee is incurred to accommodate credit card processing fees, shipping expenses back to the manufacturer, etc.
  • How do I setup an exchange?

    All returns are processed as a refund or a replacement only. We do not offer exchanges on parts or accessories.