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Mercedes-Benz VIN Decoder

Decode Your Vehicle Identifications Number for Free.


Where is the VIN number on a Mercedes-Benz?

Please make sure your Mercedes-Benz is made by a US manufacturer.
Location A appears on the front part of the dashboard on the driver's side of the Mercedes-Benz, at the base of the windshield. A highly recommended way to find your VIN is to look through the windshield from outside the car.
Location B should be on the driver's door post. Open the door first, and you will find the VIN near the area where the door latches to the Mercedes-Benz.
Location C is under the hood. A gasoline-powered Mercedes-Benz usually has the code stamped on the front of the engine block. For older cars, the VIN can also be located at the front end of the frame.
Location D can be found on your Mercedes-Benz's title, car registration, or insurance documents.
Four possible locations for a VIN number You should be able to find a car's VIN at the locations above.

What is a VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number)?

A vehicle identification number, more commonly referred to as VIN, serves as a Mercedes-Benz's fingerprint. It is a unique code with 17 characters (digits and capital letters) assigned to each Mercedes-Benz sold or manufactured in the US. Each part of the code stands for the exact information about your vehicle. It displays a vehicle's history including the year, make, model, and engine size, as well as the nation and factory where the vehicle was produced. Additionally, a VIN shows when a Mercedes-Benz is purchased, sold, or maintained. And it can be used, by a manufacturer or state agency, to track recalls, registrations, thefts, or warranty claims.

If a vehicle was made before the year 1981, you will find the VIN has as few as 5 digits to as many as 13 digits. The standardization was not achieved until January 1981, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) finalized the present 17-digit format. Our free decoder works fine with a standard 17-digit code. Don't hesitate to do a VIN lookup for your Mercedes-Benz!

Why my Mercedes-Benz VIN number doesn't decode?

Decoder error? Here's a check list.
Possibility A: If you find our decoder fails to process successfully, please make sure that you put all the 17 letter-and-number combinations in a correct way.
Possibility B: To avoid confusion, the standard VIN format does not contain the letters I, O, and Q. Check if your vehicle's code is along with these letters.
Possibility C: Your Mercedes-Benz was made before the year 1981 so it was not accompanied by a standard VIN certified by the NHTSA, as referred to above.
Possibility D: An imported vehicle may not be assigned with a VIN. Check your Mercedes-Benz's origin before using our free lookup tool.

How to decode a Mercedes-Benz VIN number?

Curious about what hides behind a Mercedes-Benz's VIN number?
  • The very first character tells you the exact country or region of the manufacturer.
  • Number two digit reveals the Mercedes-Benz manufacturer.
  • Digit three is to specify what kind of Mercedes-Benz it is, an SUV, truck, etc. The first three digits are known as WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier).
  • Positions four to eight give a general report of a Mercedes-Benz. They are put together as VDS (Vehicle Descriptor Section).
  • Number nine serves as the check digit, which is based on a mathematical formula from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
  • The tenth character refers to the model year of your car.
  • The eleventh position indicates what plant your Mercedes-Benz is from.
  • The final six digits denote the Mercedes-Benz's production sequence numbers.
Now enter your car's VIN in the decoder above to check its history for FREE! Precise meanings of the 17-digit VIN number

What Mercedes-Benz models work with this free VIN decoder?

Practically, our Mercedes-Benz VIN decoder can perfectly decipher all Mercedes-Benz vehicles on track, long as they were assigned standard 17-digit VIN codes. A VIN search enables you to check basic information about any Mercedes-Benz cars, including C300, 300D, and 190E. Even though manufacturers began using VINs in the 1950s, our VIN decoder can only be applied to those equipped with a modern format. Mercedes-Benz has always offered an extensive range of vehicles such as the 300E, 300SD, 380SL, and so on.

By doing a VIN lookup, you can effortlessly get reports containing comprehensive information, which involve engine code, body style, model year, fuel type, and many others. All you need to do is just a few clicks. Select precise parts for your Mercedes-Benz cars after a VIN decode using our vast online catalog.